RTLM broadcasts an odd piece of news: “On 3, 4 and 5, April, temperatures will rise. On the 6th, there will be a respite, but a little something might happen.
Radio Muhabura reports that at Kiruhura parish in Butare, RPF soldiers rescue 24 nuns, including two Belgians who were injured by the fleeing Government forces.
RPF forces liberate the cities of Kigali and Butare leading to the end of the genocide. The genocide regime flees to Zaire and orchestrates the evacuation of approximately two million Hutus.
RPF forces gain control over areas in Kigali, Gitarama, and Butare. Radio Muhabura reports that RPF Chairman Alexis Kanyarengwe met President Ally Hassan Mwinyi of Tanzania
Commander Marin Gillier, leading the Turquoise Omar detachment,arrives at Bisesero and finds many massacre sites there as well as 800 to 1,000 survivors.
Two nuns from Kibuye alert Lieutenant-Colonel Duval, the commander of a Turquoise detachment headed toward the Bisesero Hills in the commune of Gishyita,
RPF forces continue capturing territory from the fleeing Government forces. Journalist Sam Kiley informs the French soldiers of the Omar detachment, under Lieutenant Commander Marin Gillier
French soldiers arrive on Rwanda’s border with Zaire. The former President of the UN Security Council, Paul Keating of New Zealand, cautions the Council that France’s mission
France announces plans to deploy troops to Rwanda as an interim peacekeeping force. UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali and the US Government support the plan.
France declares its intention to send troops to Rwanda ostensibly to save the lives of Tutsi who are being massacred by Hutu militias and troops of the Rwandan Government
RPF forces take over Gitarama. The 30th Organization of African Unity summit opens in Tunisia with Interim Government President Sindikubwabo representing Rwanda while the RPF
Delegates at the Organization of African Unity ministerial meeting in Tunisia agree to send troops to Rwanda as a UN protection force of African nations.
Government forces and militias continue to massacre civilians. They kill Tutsi Catholic Brothers and 70 other displaced people who took refuge in the Saint Famille Catholic Church in Kigali.
For the second time, UNAMIR suspends the evacuation of civilians caught in the war zones in Kigali because its convoy came under fire the previous day.
Killings take place in Tumba Commune. The Interim Government in Kigali makes arrangements to purchase 40,000 hand grenades and 300,000 rounds of ammunition from Egypt
Journalists from France, Canada, Australia and South Africa visit the areas RPF troops recently captured in Kigali. They witness the bodies of civilians killed by retreating militias and government troops.
RPF forces continue to rescue civilians from hideouts as they advance towards Gitarama town, the headquarters of the interim government. The first meeting is held between military
The chairman of the Rwandan Patriotic front says that the RPF will respect the Arusha accords but will not share power with those who committed genocide.
UN Secretary General Boutros-Ghali says the refusal of most countries to send troops to Rwanda is “a failure not only for the United Nations but a Failure for the international community
The United Nations Human Rights Commission unanimously adopts a resolution stating that “acts of genocide may have occurred in Rwanda” and plans for the dispatch of a special
About 3,500 decomposing corpses of victims of the genocide have been taken from the shares of Lake of Victoria in Uganda and Buried during the past week alone.(IM)
A two-day truce is called to facilitate the visit of UN envoy lqbal Riza to Rwanda, but Government forces break the truce and shell RPF positions. The UN envoy accompanied by
RPF seizes Kigali International Airport and Kanombe military camp, extending control over the north and east of the country and opening more evacuation routes for genocide survivors.
The UN Secretary-General transfers his special representative to Rwanda, Jacques Roger Booh-Booh, from Kigali to Nairobi. He is supposed to liaise with regional leaders
Over 300 bodies are recovered from Lake Victoria in Mpigi District in Uganda. RPF forces continue to rescue survivors of the massacres in Bugesera. About 300 people,
The Interahamwe and the Presidential Guard continue massacres of civilians in Kigali. 29 people are killed in a church in a government-controlled area of Kigali.
The RPF uses its Radio Muhabura to encourage people who have been trapped in various parts of Kigali behind enemy lines to report to RPF controlled areas for rescue.
Security Council resolution 918 extends the UNAMIR mission for the protection of the people and, for that, authorizes the deployment of 5,500 peacekeepers (UNAMIR II).
At the Security Council, Minister Bicamumpaka denies the government’s role in the killings, saying that “Hundreds of thousands of Hutu were massacred by the RPF simply because they were Hutu”
The BBC reports that the most recent arrivals to a refugee camp in northern Tanzania are accusing the RPF forces of committing atrocities against women and children in the Kibungo communes.
Prime Minister Jean Kambanda visits the National University of Rwanda to thank the staff for the well-done “work” of killing Tutsi and encourages them to develop effective methods of self-defence.
86 girls in a missionary school in Gikongoro are reported to have been massacred and buried in a mass grave. The RPF forces continue to rescue people coming up from the swamps where they have been hiding.
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Jose Ayala Lasso travels to Kigali. He utters the word “Genocide”.The President of the UN Security Council discloses
The UN Security Council debates the request by Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali that a UNAMIR force of 5,500 be sent to stop the massacres that are going on in Rwanda.
The Kenyan Government announces that it will not contribute forces to the proposed UN humanitarian assistance mission to Rwanda. A US Air Force cargo planes arrive in Mwanza, Tanzania carrying
RPF official says in an interview on Radio France International that the RPF’s main objective is to stop the ongoing genocide in Rwanda and to establish law and order in the country.
John Shattuck, the US Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, meets RPF leaders in Kampala, Uganda to deliver a message from US President Bill Clinton.
The President of the UN Security Council writes to UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali asking for “contingency planning with regard to the delivery
The RPF writes to the UN Security Council to condemn the genocide in Rwanda and asks it to set up a tribunal to prosecute those who committed these crimes since October 1990.
Major General Paul Kagame says in a radio interview on Voice of America (VOA) that the RPF objects to any UN intervention force because it has no meaning in the situation prevailing in Rwanda.
Radio Uganda reports that Lake Victoria is awash with the bodies of genocide victims from Rwanda. UN Under Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Hoff Hernan
After taking control of the town of Rusumo close to the Tanzanian border, the RPF issues a statement that it is categorically opposed to the proposed UN intervention force because
Christine Shelley, spokeswoman for the US State Department, refuses to use the word genocide when addressing journalists, indicating that the use of such a term has many implications.
Foreign Affairs Minister, Jérôme Bicamumpaka, and CDR representative, Jean Bosco Barayagwiza, are received in France at the Elysée and the Ministry of Defense.
In a statement broadcast on Radio Rwanda, Colonel Augustin Bizimungu declares that the massacres are a continuation of those that characterized the 1959 revolution.
The Red Cross declares that it has never seen “a human tragedy of the scale of these massacres“. More than 7,000 Tutsi are murdered at Gatwaro-Kibuye stadium.
Following Security Council Resolution 912, the UNAMIR force is reduced from 2,500 to 270. Interahamwe militia and other armed people kill 22,000 Tutsi in Gikongoro.
UN Secretary-General Bouros-Boutros Ghali speaks of “Hutu killing Tutsi and Tutsi killing Hutu” and calls for a cease-fire between the genocidaires and the RPF
An estimated 50,000 Tutsi are killed in the hills of Bisesero. Another 12,000 Tutsi are killed after sheltering at the Gatwaro Stadium in Gitesi Commune in Kibuye,
Belgian peacekeepers withdraw from ETO school in Kicukiro, Kigali, leaving 4000 Tutsi behind. The Interahamwe marches them to Nyanza and massacres them there.
Massacres and looting continue in Kigali. An estimated 10,000 dead bodies are taken from the streets and piled up at hospitals that are overflowing with the wounded.
Un secretary-General Bouros-Bouros Ghali speaks of "Hutu killing Tusti and Tustsi killing Hutu" and calls for a cease-fire between the genocidaires and the RPF (who are fighting to stop genocide), causing confusion as to whether this was a mere civil war or not