French Amaryllis operation to evacuate expatriates starts. The Rwandan Interim Government is set up at the request of Théoneste Bagosora, with Théodore Sindikubwabo as President, and Jean Kambanda as Prime Minister. Agathe Habyarimana and her family are evacuated to Paris. Hundreds of Tutsi are murdered at Ndera Junior Seminary school. As the Interahamwe and Presidential Guard undertake a massacre in the Pallottine Missionary Catholic Church at Gikondo, French and Belgian paratroops assist with the evacuation of European expatriates. UN observers witness the massacre of children at a church in Gikondo. The RPF launches an offensive in Byumba and Ruhengeri. Major General Paul Kagame, as the Chairman of the Military High Command, declares war against the genocidal regime in a statement read on Radio Muhabura stressing that, “it was no longer