United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Jose Ayala Lasso travels to Kigali. He utters the word “Genocide”.The President of the UN Security Council discloses that the Council is considering the expansion of UNAMIR to a force of 8,000 with Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and Tanzania to contribute troops. The UN Under-Secretary for Humanitarian Affairs visits Rwanda where he holds separate meetings with the commander of the RPF forces, Major General Paul Kagame, and with the Chief of Staff of the Rwanda Government Forces, Major General Augustin Bizimungu. Whereas Major General Kagame is of the view that the force should only play the role of facilitating humanitarian assistance, Major General Bizimungu expects the force to play an intervention role in the on-going war. The Tanzanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joseph Rwegasira, in an interview with the BBC, says that his country will not contribute troops to the proposed expanded UNAMIR force of 5,500 to be sent to Rwanda