At the Security Council, Minister Bicamumpaka denies the government’s role in the killings, saying that “Hundreds of thousands of Hutu were massacred by the RPF simply because they were Hutu”. Representatives of Argentina, Spain, New Zealand, the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom disagree. Augustin Bizimana, the Interim Government’s Minister of Defense, tells reporters that the massacres have stopped. Almost simultaneously, government soldiers and the Interahamwe execute hundreds of Tutsi taking refuge in Kabgayi church. RPF forces take control of Bugesera District and rescue about 2,000 people. They are mainly Tutsi survivors of the Ntarama Church massacre, who have come out of the swamps of the Nyabarongo river basin. They had maintained weeks of resistance against the Interahamwe militia there. Refugees who fled to Tanzania as a result of the massacres are still returning to Kibungo Prefecture via the Rusumo border post, under the control of RPF forces. The RPF Chairman Colonel Alex Kanyarengwe issues a message calling for an international tribunal for Rwanda to put on trial all those who participated in the genocide. He encourages Rwandan refugees who fled the country to return, including members of the Interahamwe, so long as they surrender their weapons and denounces their deeds. President Sindikubwabo visits Kibuye Prefecture where he expresses satisfaction over the genocidal killings which were committed in the prefecture and thanks the killers for a job well done.